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About client provides virtual headquarters for companies, entrepreneurs and civic associations. They arrange permanent or temporary residence for individuals.

We started our cooperation by creating a brand and a logo. The design of the logo for was a continuously developing process. Together with the client, we put together ideas, some great and some less so.

Finally, we decided to combine the elements of the map pin, the chimney of the house and the check mark.

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homepage 1


An important part of every website is its UX - User Experience and also UI - User Interface, which we have specially focused on.

Since the website is supposed to be a sales website, website visitors must be able to quickly find their way around and find everything they are looking for.

homepage 2
homepage 3

Design of a complex contact form

The main part of the website is its complex form, which serves website visitors for the online ordering process to purchase the service they are interested in.

Everything can be done from this one place in simple and sequential steps.

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