This time, we had to tackle a very specific topic that required thorough research to ensure satisfaction on both sides. We were approached by a top proctology team that needed a logo, branding, and last but not least, a modern and functional website.

Web design
Návrh loga & brand
proctology desktop bar
proctology mobile bar
www proctology sk domov 5 min


Branding is always a key element that sets a service apart from its competition. In our collaboration, we created consistent and creative visual elements that ensure the brand is authentic and easily recognizable.

Reservation system

For the client, we created a modern and functional website. An important part of this project was implementing a simple and reliable booking system that ensures comprehensive service delivery.

reservation 1 min
reservation 2 min
reservation 3 min
reservation 4 min


The portrait photographs we took in our studio were used in print materials to highlight the personal approach and professionalism of the proctology clinic’s services.

proctology print 1
proctology print 2
proctology print 3

Portrait photos

proctology photo grey

Interior photography

At the end of our collaboration, we conducted an interior photoshoot to capture the modern and comfortable environment of their clinic. High-quality interior photographs emphasize professionalism, helping to create a positive impression among patients.

Speed ​​and functionality are key for us.

Our goal is for visitors to our sites to feel comfortable and quickly find what they are looking for.


How quickly and efficiently a webpage loads and renders for users. This metric encompasses several factors that impact the overall speed and responsiveness of a website. It include loading Speed, FCP, LCP, TTI, Interactivity, Visual Stability, Optimization.

0 %


How well a webpage is constructed for optimal performance. It evaluates the quality of your site's code and adherence to best practices that impact load time, user experience, and overall site efficiency

0 %

Time to Interactive?

How long it takes for your page to become fullyinteractive. A good user experience is 2.5s or less.

0 s

Speed index ?

How quickly the contents of your page are visiblypopulated. A good user experience is 1.3s or less.

0 s