When searching for the right brand name, we rely on proven steps to obtain a good-sounding and concise name that will differentiate our client from its competition and that clients will easily remember.
From there, it’s just a small step to creating a logo that will complement the new brand.
Color variants
We like colors, especially if they are chosen correctly. Their purpose is to induce the right emotion, support the brand and stand out from the competition.
Well-chosen colors are like a well-chosen suit. They fit like a glove.
One might say that the font doesn’t matter that much. However, the opposite is true.
A correctly chosen font is like a perfect accessory to a suit.
They have to fit together and everything has to make sense.
Paragraph hero
Creating websites is simply our passion. We approach each client individually, and it was no different in this case.
The polskyexpert.eu website is visually unconventional, but at the same time simple and clear.
We paid extra attention to the contact forms when creating this particular website. Their function is to make communication between the website visitor and our client as simple as possible.
Speed optimization of the website at the end before handing over to the client is a matter of course for us.